The Editorial Team implements the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education regarding the prevention of violations of scholarly integrity, including the practices known as “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”.  A full disclosure of information about persons and institutions contributing to the creation of publications by providing content or financing should be proof of the ethical attitude of a researcher and the highest editorial standards.

“Ghostwriting” means a situation in which someone has made a significant contribution to a publication without his or her contribution as one of the authors being revealed or his or her role being mentioned in the acknowledgements section of the publication.

“Guest authorship” (or “honorary authorship”) is authorship granted to an individual whose contribution to a publication is negligible or non-existent but who is still mentioned as the author or co-author of the publication.
The editorial team is obliged to document all violations of scholarly integrity and to report them to the competent authorities, in accordance with COPE practices and guidelines.
