



Antonio Fernández de Buján, Constitution and disability – protection of the persons with disabilities as paradigm of the welfare state in Spain


Małgorzata Manowska, Instructions of the court of first instance in the taking of evidence in a civil trial after the amendment by the Act of 4 July 2019 amending the Act – Code of Civil Procedure and some other acts


Wanda Stojanowska, Mirosław Kosek, Aleksandra Sych, The functioning of separation institutions in the light of the analysis of statistical data on judicial decisions


Marcin Białecki, Disloyal actions by participants in divorce proceedings


Marcin Romanowski, The role of administrative and civil law solutions to combat domestic violence on the example of the regulations of 30 April 2020. Coordination of activities and system connections


Rafał Adamus, Division of a company by separation


Kamil Wielgus, Warranty for defects of sold rights and intangible goods from a historical and comparative legal perspective


Aneta Makowiec, Searching for institution of legacy enforceable per se in succession law existing in Polish territories from the oldest days to the end of World War II – historical outline from legal perspective


Łukasz Mroczyński-Szmaj, The new European whistleblowing law. Model solutions and the Polish draft act on the protection of whistleblowers


Ewa Wojtaszek-Mik, An autopsy of a child in the light of the Article 31 of the Act on medical activity – comments on the occasion of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights Polat v. Austria


Magdalena Grzyb, Gender identity is not gender – reflections on the judgment of the District Court in Warsaw of 29 September 2020, V Ca 2686/19




Tomasz Bojanowski, Klaudia Łuniewska, Bartłomiej Oręziak, Report on the International Scientific Conference “Religious symbols in public sphere in the legal orders of Central and Eastern European countries”, 28 May 2021





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